"By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that."

Charlotte A. Cavatica

  Supporting Community Thro​ugh Reading

​​​​​​​​​​​​​(Scroll Down for EVENTS)


Charlotte's Web 

by E. B. White                         

Written by E.B. White and illustrated by Garth Williams, Charlotte’s Web tells the story of Wilbur, a little pig who is saved from an untimely death by his clever spider friend Charlotte and their chatty barnyard neighbors.  Lessons of friendship, truth, and loyalty bind this story together and show that friends come in all shapes and sizes.  Written in White's dry, low-key manner, Charlotte's Web is considered a classic of children's literature, enjoyable to adults as well as children.   In 2000, Publishers Weekly listed it as the best-selling children’s paperback of all time.

​​​                                            EVENTS  ​​


April 23-26 

The Colusa County Library planned a Splendid Spider Week in honor of Charlotte's Web. Here is the line-up of activities they offered:

April 23, 6:30-8:00 pm - Adult Science Café. Dr. Jason Bond, UC Davis professor of  Terrestrial Arthropod Systematics, Evolution, and Diversity discussed all things arachnid! 

April 24, 3:30-4:30 pm - Explorit Science Center brought a hands-on spider lesson, story time and activity stations for all school-age children. 

April 25, 6:30-7:30 pm - Family Story Time featured a story about young E. B. White,  A Boy, a Mouse, and a Spider. 

April 26, 11:00-12:30 and 1:00-2:30 - Movies! Kids of all ages brought snacks and a pillow for a Charlotte's Web movie marathon at the library featuring the 1973 animated classic followed by the beloved 2006 live action feature film.  

Spider Week activities were brought to us FREE OF CHARGE by the Friends of the Colusa County Free Library.


Friends Around the Block Quilt Shop invited ALL QUILTERS to join them in supporting the Virginia Yerxa Community Read this year with a special quilting challenge! The challenge was to create a quilt with a theme from Charlotte’s Web

Quilts were displayed on Virginia Read Day, and prizes were awarded for the best design commemorating this classic children’s book.  

The Stagehands present Charlotte's Web

April 26 & 27, 7:15 pm

April 28,  2:15 pm

May 3 & 4, 7:15 pm
​​Colusa's very own live theater company presented five performances of Charlotte's Web this spring. All performances were in the Stangehands theater at the Colusa Fairgrounds, 9th and Harris Street entrance. 

Virginia Read Day

Saturday, April 27, 2019 

1:00-2:30 pm

Rocco's Banquet Room   546 Market Street 

"The Value of Children's Literature"

Professor Seth Lerer, distinguished professor of literature at the University of California at San Diego was one of our special guests for Virginia Read Day 2019.  His book Children's Literature: A Reader's History from Aesop to Harry Potter received the National Book Critics Circle Award for Criticism. Dr. Lerer's presentation discussed Charlotte's Web in the larger contexts of women in children's literature as well as the shared experience of reading as children and as adults.  A lively and informative Q&A session followed.  

2:30-4:00 pm  

Rocco's Banquet Room/Caffeinated Patio area   546 Market Street 
"Charlotte's Arts" Show. 

Fiber artists Travis MeinolfAni Lee, Margot Becker, demonstrated and 

taught drop-spindle spinning, loom weaving, knitting and more!

The Colusa County Arts Council was also open for their most recent April show, "Interwoven Stores" featuring fiber artists from the Bay Area. These events were curated by Sierra Reading. 

7:15 pm

The Stagehands presented Charlotte's Web at their Colusa Fairgrounds theatre. 


Thanks to generous donations from our community, Virginia Read events were free of charge.  
