Virginia Read Day activities are free to the public thanks to the generosity of our community.

The Virginia Read was a proud Community Sake Grant recipient. 

2024 Donors:

Angela and Ted Kingsley

Barb's Fruit Stand

Cellador Ales

Colusa Casino Resort

​Colusa County Arts Council

Colusa County Free Library

Charlie and Kerry Verutti

Davis Ranches 

Davison Drug & Stationary 

Dorothy Yerxa and Michael Reinhart

Elizabeth and Charles Yerxa

Emily and Elliot Reinhart

Friends Around the Block Quilt Shop

Lani Yoshimura

Loni and JJ Gross

Melissa and Antonio Ortiz

Mitchel Yerxa

​Organic Roots Olive Oil

​Jim and Cynthia White

Juliana and Barry Engrahm

Marilyn Davison

Marissa and Adam Dragoo

​The Morning Star Company

Pleasant Pheasant Books

Roberta and Jon James

​Salmon Bend Art Studios

Stacey and Benjy Costello

​Sunrise Fresh Dryers

Warren and Laurie Halsey


  Supporting Community Thro​ugh Reading

"Spring meant work, summer meant harvest, fall a time for gratitude, and winter a pause for reflection."